The Weber telescope deploys its mirror and reaches Lagrange point L2 this weekend

On January 20, NASA announced on Wednesday local time that the James Webb Space Telescope has completed the work of 18 primary and secondary mirrors, and the next step is to reach Lagrange point L2 < p > < / P > < p > after nearly a month in space, the deployment of the mirror of the Weber space telescope is coming to an end. After a series of complex maneuvers, the Weber Space Telescope has been launched into a real space observatory, but scientific observation will take a few months < p > NASA Director Bill Nelson said on his personal social media twitter on Wednesday, "the latest news from Weber team: all 18 primary and secondary mirrors have now been launched!" "Congratulations to the team that has worked tirelessly since the launch of the telescope. Weber will arrive at its new home soon!" < p > the Weber Space Telescope has 18 hexagonal golden primary mirrors, each of which is controlled by seven drivers and can be adjusted accurately. At present, the 18 main mirrors have been launched a few days in advance < p > the Weber space telescope began to deploy its mirror on January 12, which was originally expected to take about 10 days. Although NASA announced that the mirror had been deployed, the whole system was not fully ready for observation. The NASA team must continue to work hard to fine tune the position of each mirror and combine 18 mirrors into a smooth super mirror < p > the team behind the Weber Space Telescope predicts that the whole process will take a total of three months < p > the Weber space telescope also needs to complete the key engine orbit ignition to reach the established orbit at Lagrange point L2 < p > L2 is nearly 1.5 million kilometers away from the earth. According to NASA's plan, the Weber space telescope is expected to arrive at its destination on January 23. (Chen Chen) < / P > < p >

2023-03-22 10:04:49



