Nikola withdrew its $2 billion lawsuit against Tesla, accusing semi of setting

On January 6, according to foreign media reports, electric vehicle manufacturer Nikola motor withdrew the $2 billion infringement lawsuit filed against Tesla in 2018 on Tuesday night local time. Earlier, the company accused Tesla of stealing many design elements from its electric truck and using them in its semi < p > < / P > < p > the lawsuit was originally filed in 2018, when Tesla was still losing money, short of cash and the stock price was at a low point. Nikola is a hot start-up company, which promises to produce hydrogen powered semi-automatic trucks and pickups, and claims to have a large number of orders < p > Nikola said that many designs on Tesla semi were stolen from its Nikola one, including the design of side door, aerodynamic fuselage and surround windshield. These designs are designed to reduce wind resistance and increase the range of trucks in battery electric or hydrogen fuel cell versions < p > Nikola claims that Tesla's design "misleads customers", thus attracting customers from Nikola to Tesla. The company wrote in the complaint: "Tesla's infringement damages Nikola's ability to attract investors and partners, because investors can now cooperate with Tesla, which also owns an alternative fuel truck semi. Nikola estimates that Tesla's infringement will cause losses of more than $2 billion." < p > of course, Tesla denied these allegations and responded: "obviously, this lawsuit is worthless. Nikola's design patents are invalid because they are similar to a previous truck design, and the company deliberately concealed this fact from the U.S. patent and Trademark Office." Meanwhile, Tesla filed a counterclaim in response to Nikola's lawsuit < p > now, Tesla and Nikola have agreed to waive the lawsuit. In a joint document released on Tuesday, the two companies have agreed to withdraw all claims against each other. It is unclear what prompted Nikola and Tesla to reach an agreement to abandon patent infringement litigation < p > this lawsuit has been at a standstill since 2018. Last October, the judge in charge of the case, James Donato, issued a new order requiring the two companies to start submitting the latest progress, but neither side seemed willing to respond < p > Donato wrote in his court documents in October: "This case will not be dismissed due to failure to prosecute at present, but the situation may change if Nikola cannot promote the settlement of this case in an efficient and timely manner. The technical hearing is scheduled to be held on January 13, 2022 and the claim interpretation hearing is scheduled to be held on January 27. The case will remain in the state of administrative termination until further orders are issued." This means that the court has essentially labeled it as a "low priority case" and did not regard it as a key case < p > the reason why the trial is at a standstill may be that Nikola founder Trevor Milton is accused of fraud, which is related to prosecutors' accusation that he misled investors in the company's progress. Last December, Nikola reached an agreement with the securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to pay $125 million to settle fraud allegations < p > after Hindenburg research, a short seller, reported that Nikola was "a complex fraud", doubts about Nikola began to emerge. The company delivered its first battery electric truck to customers only last month < p > Tesla has not launched its own electric truck yet, although it promises to be nearly ready. The company released semi in 2017 and said it would start producing the electric truck in 2019. However, executives of the company said at an investor conference call last year that the launch of semi had been postponed to 2022. (small) < / P > < p >

2023-03-22 10:04:48



