On January 1, according to foreign media reports, the U.S. government issued instructions to NASA on the eve of the new year, hoping to extend the operating life of the international space station for another six years on the original basis until it is retired in 2030 p> < p > < / P > < p > NASA Director Bill Nelson has received instructions from the Biden government and hopes to cooperate with the agency's partners, including the European Space Agency (ESA), the Canadian Space Agency (CSA), the Japan Aerospace Research and Development Agency (JAXA) and the Russian space agency Roscosmos, so that the international space station can operate until 2030 p> < p > Nelson said in a statement on NASA's website on Friday local time: "I am very glad that the Biden government has promised to continue to support the operation of the international space station before 2030. This orbital outpost is a beacon of peaceful international scientific cooperation and has brought great scientific, educational and technological achievements for the benefit of mankind for more than 20 years." p> < p > the previous plan was to operate the international space station until 2024. NASA has always been trying to transfer the daily operation of the space station to commercial entities in order to free up funds for the "Artemis" manned lunar exploration program p> < p > Nelson said: "the continued participation of the United States in the international space station will enhance innovation and competitiveness, and promote the necessary research and technology to send the first woman and the first colored man to the moon according to the Artemis plan, and pave the way for sending the first humans to Mars." p> < p > the extended operation of the international space station will also provide more time to ensure the seamless transfer of low earth orbit research and commercial activities from the international space station to the new private space station. NASA recently reached agreements with several companies to develop a commercial space station. It can be used as a free flight platform or as a temporary expansion facility before the decommissioning of the international space station p> The international space station was founded in 1998 and has been the home of a series of space explorers for 21 years. As a Microgravity Laboratory, the space station has received more than 4200 researchers from all over the world and supported more than 3000 research investigations. Personnel from nearly 110 countries and regions participated in activities on the space station, including science, technology, engineering and Mathematics (stem) promotion activities attended by more than 1.5 million students every year p> < p > the European Space Agency has previously expressed support for extending the operation of the international space station until 2030. JAXA has proved that its Kibo laboratory and related components are capable of continuing to support the operation of the space station. However, Roscosmos proposed to withdraw from cooperation in 2025 to fully deploy its own space station. However, Russia has recently added a new multifunctional laboratory module (nauka) and a new docking port (prichal) to the international space station p> < p > in addition, there is growing tension between the United States and Russia on more realistic issues, although the space station partnership has withstood similar tests in the past. Before the White House issued instructions, the United States Congress considered legislation to extend the use of the space station until 2030. The bills proposed by the house of Representatives and the Senate won the support of both parties, but they did not pass the vote p> < p > Nelson said: "as more and more countries are active in space, it is more important than ever that the United States continues to lead the world in developing international alliances and setting rules and norms for the peaceful and responsible use of space." p> < p > although the United States and other countries support the continued operation of the space station, it is unclear whether the facility itself will last that long. The international space station has leaked, and the attitude of the orbital outpost has been out of control several times due to the wrong thruster ignition. (small) < / P > < p >