Apple asked for a comprehensive correction, and Foxconn announced the reorganization of plant management in India

Reuters reported on December 29 that Foxconn, an apple supplier, said on Wednesday that after it found some problems in its workers' dormitory facilities, the company would restructure the management of sriperumbudur factory in Chennai, Tamil Nadu < p > an apple spokesman said that the conditions of some remote dormitories and restaurants provided by Foxconn for employees in the factory did not meet the standards, and apple was working with suppliers to ensure that comprehensive corrective measures were implemented quickly < p > a Foxconn spokesman said that the factory has been placed in a "trial period". Apple will ensure that its strict standards are met before the factory reopens. In addition, it requires suppliers to be responsible for the highest standards in the industry and will regularly evaluate to ensure compliance < p > temporary workers at Foxconn's factory in Chennai, Tamil Nadu held a protest on December 18. After a food poisoning incident at Foxconn's Indian factory, more than 150 workers were hospitalized < p > according to Taiwan's "Central News Agency", this is the second demonstration that Apple broke out in the printing factory within a year. Last December, thousands of workers in Apple's foundry and Wistron's factory in southern India rioted over pay, smashing office equipment and some production lines and vehicles, with an estimated loss of $60 million

2023-03-22 10:04:48



