On December 15, five former employees of SpaceX recently told about their work experience in this commercial Rocket Company, publicly disclosed the chaos of sexual harassment in the workplace, and criticized the company's manager and human resources department for their poor handling of complaints p> < p > these five employees include Ashley kosak, a former employee of SpaceX who resigned in November. She once wrote a document describing her experiences in detail, including sexual harassment by male colleagues. The other four also described their disturbing experiences in SpaceX or witnessed the harassment of other women or transgender people p> < p > in three of these cases, SpaceX human resources department received complaints, but made inconsistent and inappropriate responses. A former employee said: "as a company, SpaceX regards its mission more important than the well-being of its employees, so that I have never seen meaningful action against sexual harassment." She added that she felt that SpaceX's lack of action was due to management's desire to avoid interruptions p> < p > kosak decided to tell her story publicly to help others in the aerospace industry realize that they should not tolerate any form of harassment. Kosak once worked as a building reliability engineer in Cape Canaveral, Florida. She said that when she first entered the company, her male colleagues harassed her, and sometimes even received a phone call in the middle of the night p> < p > kosak said that she either reported all these incidents to her superiors or complained to the human resources department, but few people followed up her complaints and the people she accused were not affected. Kosak also said that she had witnessed many other women encounter similar problems at SpaceX p> < p > four other former SpaceX employees also claimed to have experienced similar situations in person or witnessed other women being harassed. These former employees believe that SpaceX is a bit like the so-called "boys' Club", with a small number of female employees. They also believe that the company is unwilling to hold some male employees accountable for their bad behavior, especially if these men have invested a lot of time in SpaceX or made great contributions to the company p> < p > Julia Crowley farenga, a former intern at SpaceX, filed a lawsuit against the company in 2020, saying that after she reported being harassed by other managers, a manager retaliated against her and finally prevented her from being employed by SpaceX after the internship p> < p > another woman who asked for anonymity for fear of retaliation described her similar experience during her internship. At that time, a senior technician of SpaceX repeatedly tried to open her locked door and enter her apartment during her internship. He was obviously drunk. Another former SpaceX intern said that a male colleague made inappropriate comments on their appearance and saw others behave similarly p> < p > SpaceX did not respond to requests for comment on these allegations or for details of its sexual harassment policy. However, Gwynne shotwell, President and chief operating officer of SpaceX, sent an email to all employees last week, claiming that harassment was intolerable. She also encourages people to report any harassment they may encounter p> < p > schotteville wrote: "timely reporting of harassment is the key to maintaining SpaceX as a good workplace. After all, we can't fix what we don't know. If you know or have experienced any harassment or discrimination, please report to your manager or any human resources representative." p> < p > this email also claims that SpaceX will further pay close attention to its human resources business. "We also know that we can always do better. To this end, the human resources department is always soliciting feedback from all departments of the company to ensure that the complaint process is effective. The human resources department will also conduct internal audit, followed by third-party audit," schotteville said p> < p > kosak said that during her tenure, she did meet with the representative of the human resources department several times, but the latter did not take any meaningful action. She also said that she had submitted to the Ministry of human resources a proposed framework to address sexual harassment, telling people how to report it and the consequences that bad behavior employees might face. However, her proposal never received attention p> < p > finally, in October, Cossack decided to submit an "anonymous" report to SpaceX's "ethics and compliance hotline" to schotville. Kosak described in detail her dissatisfaction with the human resources department. She wrote: "the reason why I contacted you was that the human resources department did nothing to solve these problems. Nothing happened. Then I continued to be harassed and those people were promoted." p> < p > however, the Microsoft form finally revealed kosak's identity. She then received a call from the human resources department and questioned her about the anonymous report. Delegates asked her if she was the informant or if she knew the identity of the informant. She was asked to propose solutions for the human resources department p> < p > later, kosak talked to a supervisor who arranged for her to meet with shortville and Brian bjelde, the company's head of human resources. Cossack said that during the meeting, shortville and bield claimed that they had never received her complaint and asked her to propose a solution on how to repair SpaceX's harassment complaint procedure. Kosak suggested a third-party investigation p> < p > after that meeting, kosak had a follow-up call with the human resources department, during which she was asked to explain her allegations in detail again and ask again how to repair the harassment complaint process. She suggested making rules for the harassment complaint process, but the HR representative seemed reluctant to implement it, which showed that the information was too private to be discussed publicly in the company p> < p > this is not the first time that Cossack submitted a proposal to the management. She also submitted her own environmental plan to Elon Musk, detailing how to make SpaceX carbon neutral by 2030. Kosak claimed that musk finally refuted her idea, saying that SpaceX depended partly on wind and solar energy. Cossack also submitted an "Environmental Compliance Initiative" to the star chain team, but the team considered it too ambitious p> < p > due to too much work pressure, kosak asked for leave in November and resigned 10 days later. During her vacation, she received a call from the human resources department. After she left permanently, she received two more calls. But she didn't answer the phone p> < p > cosak's situation and SpaceX ?
2023-03-22 10:04:48