Drilling holes in the spacecraft? Russia may sue a NASA astronaut

On December 1, Roscosmos of the Russian space agency said that it had completed the investigation on the holes after the docking of the Soyuz spacecraft ms-09 with the international space station in 2018, and it was possible to file criminal charges against a NASA astronaut < p > figure: in 2018, holes appeared after the docking of the Russian Soyuz spacecraft ms-09 with the International Space Station < / P > < p > Roscosmos confirmed that the agency had sent the investigation results to law enforcement officials, but did not provide further details. In Russia, the results of the investigation are sent to law enforcement agencies to let officials decide whether to initiate criminal proceedings, which is equivalent to issuing an indictment. This is different from the grand jury system in the United States. American investigators need to hand over the evidence to the prosecutor, who decides whether to file a lawsuit < p > in June 2018, Russian astronaut Sergey prokopyev, European Space Agency astronaut Alexander gerst and NASA astronaut Serena Au ñó n arrived at the International Space Station aboard Soyuz spacecraft ms-09. At the end of August, astronauts found a hole with a diameter of about 2mm in the bulkhead of the orbital module of the spacecraft < p > < / P > < p > if not controlled, this hole will lead to decompression inside the space station in about two weeks. However, the astronauts repaired the hole with epoxy resin, and the Soyuz spacecraft safely returned prokopiev, gerst and onyon to earth at the end of the six-month mission < p > since then, people have focused on what or who may have created the hole. Investigators quickly ruled out the possibility of space debris impact. Many media speculated that the hole was caused by defects in spacecraft manufacturing or testing. However, Russia then pointed the finger at the disgruntled NASA astronaut onion < p > according to the Russian side, onion encountered deep vein thrombosis in space, resulting in a "serious psychological crisis". She hopes to return to the earth in advance by drilling holes in the spacecraft. However, NASA refuted these claims at that time < p > now, with Russia's announcement of the completion of the investigation, Russian officials have put forward another statement that onyon may have drilled this hole "due to the surge of pressure caused by the failure of falling in love with another astronaut" < p > NASA once again vehemently refuted that these attacks on onyon had no basis. NASA Director Bill Nelson said: "these attacks are false and have no credibility. I fully support onyon and all our astronauts." < / P > < p > NASA's international space station project team in Houston previously determined that the pressure on the space station began to decline in late August 2018. NASA also knows the exact location of each American astronaut on the space station before the hole appeared. At that time, the U.S. astronauts on the space station were not near the Russian cabin where the Soyuz spacecraft docked. U.S. officials shared these data with the Russians at that time. (small) < / P > < p >

2023-03-22 10:04:47



