Tesla first announced details of the cost of the Texas plant: $1 billion a year

On November 23, according to foreign media reports, Tesla, an electric vehicle manufacturer, has submitted a public application to the Texas licensing and regulatory authority (tdlr) in the United States, hoping to approve the commissioning of the first phase of its new Austin automobile factory, and disclosed the details of construction cost and completion date for the first time < p > < / P > < p > this document outlines Tesla's spending on various manufacturing capacity-building at the Austin plant. Tesla said that the plant plans to complete the construction of general assembly, painting, casting, stamping and body workshop facilities by December 31. This investment is expected to enable Tesla to produce up to 500000 model y vehicles per year at its Austin plant < p > according to the filing documents, the total area of these five facilities will be close to 4.3 million square feet (about 0.4 square kilometers), and the total construction cost will be US $1.06 billion. Among them, the cost of body workshop is 182 million US dollars, the total assembly facility is 493 million US dollars, the paint workshop is 126 million US dollars, the casting facility is 109 million US dollars, and the stamping facility is 150 million US dollars < p > tdlr manages and licenses a wide range of enterprises, facilities and equipment. Tesla's application is submitted under the agency's building barrier project, which is responsible for reviewing and inspecting projects to ensure that they comply with Texas accessibility regulations < p > Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla, previously said that the company plans to start limited production of model y medium-sized SUVs this year and start mass production next year. In addition, the factory is expected to produce model 3, electric pickup truck cybertruck and electric truck semi < p > Tesla's new plant is located near Austin's eastern suburb airport. It is expected to cost $1.1 billion and start construction in the summer of 2020. Tesla is expected to obtain nearly $65 million in local tax rebates for the plant and create about 10000 jobs, most of them low skilled jobs < p > now, the construction team is building the factory day and night. When it is completed, the Tesla plant building is expected to be at least 1200 meters long. Tesla also said it would move its headquarters from California to Austin, Texas < p > in addition to Austin, Tesla has also built new factories in the suburbs of Berlin, Germany, and hopes that the two factories can be put into operation by the end of this year. This goal is crucial to Tesla's growth plan < p > for the Berlin plant, the company has encountered many problems due to the restart of the public comment process, including the postponement of environmental approval. It may take at least another month to get approval and start production. For the Austin plant, there doesn't seem to be so much red tape. It's more about how to deploy capacity. (small) < / P > < p >

2023-03-22 10:04:47



