BYD did it? The battery price increase shall not be less than 20%, which shall be implemented on November 1

Share the QR code < / P > < p > with wechat scanning code to friends and circle of friends < / P > < p > coupon China News Agency on October 26. A contact letter on BYD's battery price increase was uploaded in the market this morning. According to the letter, due to market changes and superimposed effects of power and production restrictions, compared with December 2020, the raw materials of lithium batteries continue to rise in 2021, the price of cathode material LiCoO2 increases by more than 200%, the price of electrolyte increases by more than 150%, and the supply of cathode materials continues to be tight, resulting in a significant increase in the comprehensive cost. According to the actual situation of raw material price rise, it is decided to increase the unit price of co8m and other battery products < p > < / P > < p > the specific price adjustment scheme of battery is as follows: < / P > < p > 1. The price including tax of the product shall rise by no less than 20% on the basis of the current wh unit price. Refer to the new quotation for specific models and prices < p > 2. From November 1, 2021, all new orders will uniformly sign new contracts and implement new prices < p > 3. From November 1, 2021, our system will uniformly close and cancel all outstanding old contract orders < p > editor in charge: Chen Ming < / P > < p >

2023-03-22 10:04:45



