After the sun goes out, how long will it take humans to perceive it? In eight minutes? accurate

Share with friends and circle of friends with wechat scanning QR code < / P > < p > solar energy is generated by the thermonuclear reaction of four hydrogen nuclei into one helium nucleus. One gram of hydrogen can release 600 billion joules of energy through nuclear fusion, which is equivalent to burning 15 tons of gasoline < p > heat pump is an important component connecting two heat sources. The hot water stored in the heat accumulator is used as the low-level heat source, and the solar heat energy is collected by the collector as the basic heat source of the heat pump system < p > special statement: the above contents (including pictures or videos if any) are uploaded and published by users of "Netease" on our media platform. This platform only provides information storage services

Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Hao, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

2023-03-22 10:04:45



