Meilucy solar panel is not properly locked NASA: no impact

On October 19, NASA successfully launched the Lucy probe to investigate the Trojan asteroid in the orbit of Jupiter. However, the probe encountered problems as soon as it started, and a solar panel that provided power for its space exploration failed to lock in place < p > NASA confirmed in its blog post: "Lucy's two solar panels have been deployed. Both of them are generating electricity and charging the batteries. Although one of the solar panels has been locked, there are signs that the second panel may not be fully locked in place. However, in the current state, Lucy can continue to fly without posing a threat to her health and safety. The mission team is working on the following tasks Analyze the detector data to understand the situation and determine the next action to complete the full deployment of solar panels. "< / P > < p > Thomas zurbuhen, NASA's official in charge of science affairs, said he believed that the problem of solar panels would be solved. He said: "Lucy is currently in a safe and stable state. Two solar panels have been deployed, but one of them may not be locked in the right position. The mission team is analyzing the data to determine the next action. The team has overcome many challenges, and I believe they will succeed this time." < / P > < p > When Lucy was launched, the two solar panels were folded and would not unfold like fans until the probe reached space. These solar panels are expected to take 20 minutes to fully unfold, which will "determine the success of the rest of the mission in the next 12 years", said the chief investigator of the mission The solar panels were successfully deployed 91 minutes after launch. Now just lock the second one. < / P > < p > however, When Lucy goes deep into the solar system, the solar panels that are not properly locked may become a big problem. The probe will pass over the earth up to three times to obtain the acceleration of earth's gravity. However, Lucy still has a long way to go in the next few years , solar power will play a vital role in its journey. < / P > < p > Lucy's ultimate goal is to explore multiple Trojan asteroids in Jupiter's orbit, which have never been studied closely before. These Trojan asteroids move in groups at Lagrange points in Jupiter's orbit, which are the driving and pulling force of Jupiter and the sun's gravity Fix the asteroid in its place and guide or follow Jupiter around the sun forever. < / P > < p > these amorphous space rocks are like a series of "cosmic fossils", providing a window for us to understand the early situation of the solar system 4.6 billion years ago. Lucy will play the role of a cosmic paleontologist and fly over eight "fossils" from a long distance And study their surfaces with infrared imager and camera. (small) < / P > < p >

2023-03-22 10:04:45



