Share the QR code < / P > < p > with wechat scanning code to friends and circles of friends < / P > < p > Facebook is planning to recruit 10000 employees in EU countries to engage in the so-called "metaverse" R & D. Facebook has made building a "meta universe" one of its top priorities p> < p > < / P > < p > according to the BBC report on October 18, "metauniverse" is an online world. People usually use virtual reality headphones to play, work and communicate in the virtual world of "metauniverse". "Meta universe" is an "artificial mapping version" of the real world, and users will have a new image corresponding to themselves in the virtual world. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has always been a major advocate of the concept of "meta universe" p> < p > Facebook said in a blog post that "metauniverse" may help create new "social and economic opportunities". The new jobs created in the next five years will include "highly specialized engineers", and "Europeans will shape this situation from the beginning". Facebook believes that investment in the EU has many advantages, such as first-class universities and high-quality talents. In addition, the "meta universe" can also easily enter the large-scale consumer market in the EU p> < p > however, Facebook also acknowledges that "'metauniverse 'will not be built by one company overnight," and promises to cooperate with other companies p> < p > Facebook recently invested US $50 million (about 320 million yuan) to help "seriously and responsibly build the 'yuan universe'", and it is expected that the final completion will take 10 to 15 years p>
2023-03-22 10:04:45