Apple also fired troublemakers to crack down on the disclosure of company information

On October 16, apple just fired janneke Parrish, the person in charge of the #appletoo campaign, and cracked down on the existing disclosure of company information < p > according to people familiar with the matter, Parrish, the project manager of Apple maps, was fired in an internal investigation because he was deleting files on his work equipment. Apple classified this behavior as "non-compliance". Relevant documents include applications such as Robin Hood, Pok é mon go and Google drive < p > some Apple employees said that Parrish's dismissal was the company's retaliation against the organizational #appletoo movement. In addition, they could not think of any other possibility < p > this is the second time in recent months that an employee has been fired for openly talking about Apple's corporate culture. In September, apple dismissed Ashley GJ ø Vik for divulging confidential information. Geyovick filed a number of allegations with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) about the way Apple treated her and other employees < p > geyovick's latest allegation is that Tim Cook's recent memorandum on combating the disclosure of company information may violate U.S. labor law. In September, cook sent a memo to all Apple employees, saying that "the person who divulges confidential information does not belong to" apple. He also said the company was "doing its best to find the leaker" < p > Apple's recent actions seem to be aimed at cooling the company's employee activities. In August this year, employees spontaneously launched #appletoo website, allowing all employees of the company, including AppleCare and retail store employees, to submit stories about harassment and discrimination in the workplace. Parrish and Cher Scarlett, an Apple Software Engineer, then began to share these stories on the media website medium < p > Parrish declined to comment on this article. Her lawyer said: "we can confirm that she is no longer working at Apple, but we can't comment further on this matter at present." < / P > < p > Scarlett is currently on paid sick leave. She has been harassed internally while advocating remote work and salary transparency < p > Apple did not immediately respond to a request for comment. (Chen Chen) < / P > < p >

2023-03-22 10:04:45



