Apple announced a new campus in Los Angeles to focus on streaming media content

On October 9, Apple announced on Friday that it would build a new regional headquarters in Los Angeles, which showed the company's ambition to enter Hollywood < p > Apple said on Friday that its headquarters was located at the junction of Culver City and Los Angeles. Including two office buildings covering an area of 50000 square meters, which will accommodate Apple TV +, apple music, engineering and artificial intelligence teams < p > Apple's new headquarters indicates that the company will continue to invest in Apple TV + content. Apple TV + is a streaming service launched by apple in 2019, charging $4.99 a month. This also shows that Apple will continue to recruit and expand in Hollywood < p > although Apple has not announced the number of users of Apple TV +, and the content duration of Apple TV + is far less than that of competitors such as Netflix or Disney +, this first-class media service has attracted much attention in the industry. The comedy Ted lasso won several Emmy Awards earlier this year, including the Outstanding Comedy Series award < p > at present, Apple has 1500 employees in Los Angeles. Apple acquired beats electronics, headquartered in Culver City, California, in 2014, which is also Apple's largest acquisition so far. Apple said that the new office park is located on national Avenue and Venice Avenue, with convenient public transportation. Apple will also provide shuttle service for employees < p > although apple did not disclose whether there will be a production studio in the park, the location is very close to the production site of many famous TV programs and films. Culver City is the film production center and the headquarters of Sony's subsidiary Columbia Pictures < p > Apple did not disclose when the regional headquarters would be completed, but revealed that it would have 3000 employees by 2026. (Chen Chen) < / P > < p >

2023-03-22 10:04:45



