Tesla was sentenced to compensate a black former contract worker for racial discrimination

On October 5, a federal jury in the Northern District Court of California issued a judgment on Monday local time, ordering electric vehicle manufacturer Tesla to pay more than $130 million in compensation to a former black employee named Owen Diaz, Because of his racist working environment at Tesla < p > < p > the jury ruled that Tesla failed to take reasonable measures to prevent Diaz from being subjected to racial discrimination. As a contract worker, Diaz was an elevator operator at Tesla Fremont plant in 2015 and 2016 < p > in response to the above news, Tesla and its lawyer team, as well as Diaz's lawyer, did not reply to the media's request for comment < p > before the trial of the case, Tesla asked a member of the jury to withdraw and withdraw, but was rejected by the presiding judge William Orrick. Orick claimed that Tesla's request to exclude a juror from the jury was based on race and "deliberate discrimination" < p > according to a report released by Tesla last year, blacks account for only 4% of the company's management in the U.S. market, while blacks account for only 10% of its U.S. employees. (Tianmen Mountain)

2023-03-22 10:04:45



