Avi, the original design master of apple, cooperates with Ferrari or with electric vehicles

On September 28, lovefrom, a design company led by former Apple designer Jony ive, established a creative partnership with Ferrari and now designs luxury goods for Ferrari < p > since Ivey left apple to start lovefrom design company in 2019, the company's products have not been well known. It is reported that the design company led by AVI and Marc Newson has established a creative partnership with Ferrari and Ferrari holding company EXOR to design projects that may be related to cars and explore the "luxury business". Ferrari is lovefrom's second high-profile cooperation after reaching an independent agreement with airbnb last year < p > < / P > < p > illustration: Johnny ive is with Apple CEO cook < / P > < p > but little is known about what lovefrom does for luxury carmaker EXOR. EXOR said: "this new partnership will combine Ferrari's legendary performance with lovefrom's unparalleled experience and creativity, which defines extraordinary products that can change the world." but EXOR did not explain what the two companies would do together < p > it is reported that the two sides will cooperate on Ferrari's first electric vehicle, which the company plans to launch in 2025. Ferrari also has a relationship with Eddie cue, the current apple executive, who is a member of Ferrari's board of directors Both Ivey and Newson have a lot of opinions about the cars on the market. The two people think that the current car design is "boring", so it will be interesting to see how they will design an electric sports car. But lovefrom may also design a jacket or handbag for Ferrari that costs more than $10000. Just like airbnb, lovefrom's cooperation with Ferrari can determine one thing is to exchange each other's influence. Ferrari and EXOR can spend money at least to link their brands with the design tastes of Eve and Newson. Perhaps this is more valuable than linking them to any specific project < p > to be sure, it also helps to enhance the image of lovefrom, a design company. Until now, the company seems more ethereal than the hardware that Ive designed for apple. Lovefrom and its work are so hard to understand that the first result of a Google search for "lovefrom" is a fan site. (Chen Chen) < / P > < p >

2023-03-22 10:04:44



