According to foreign media reports, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson met with Jeff Bezos, founder and chairman of Amazon, during the United Nations General Assembly in New York on Friday. He hoped that Bezos could help persuade rivian, an electric vehicle startup, to be in Bristol, UK Construction near Bristol is worth 1 billion pounds ($1.37 billion) During the meeting, Johnson hoped that Bezos could use Amazon's influence on rivian to promote the latter to build a giant factory in the UK. Johnson even mentioned the location of rivian's new factory. Earlier this month, executives of the electric vehicle manufacturer visited the UK to continue to evaluate the candidate sites near Bristol < / P > < p > according to British government sources, the government is trying its best to persuade rivian to build a new plant in the UK, believing that this will send a very important message to the future of the British automobile industry. < / P > < p > rivian also lists Ford as one of its investors, and it is expected that the company will decide whether to build a plant in the UK or continental Europe before the end of the year. If rivian really continues to operate in the UK, it is very important It may benefit from a large number of government support programs. < / P > < p > according to the documents disclosed this summer, rivian has identified 616 acres (about 2.5 million square meters) near Bristol Gravity, an industrial park, is a potential location for building new manufacturing plants. < / P > < p > rivian's biggest customer so far is Amazon, which has placed orders for 100000 electric trucks and plans to start production this year. < / P > < p > the British government has decided to ban the sales of new gasoline and diesel vehicles by 2030 and hybrid vehicles by 2035, which has accelerated the demand for manufacturing capacity A huge shift in demand. However, there are still concerns that the supply of electric vehicle charging infrastructure will not keep up with demand. < / P > < p > a government spokesman said: "Thanks to public and private investment in electrifying our supply chain, creating jobs and ensuring that the industry is more competitive in the future, the UK remains one of the best auto manufacturing locations in the world. We often talk to auto companies and potential investors." The novel coronavirus pneumonia said in May that
Amazon plans to recruit 10 thousand more employees in the UK, and that by the end of 2021, the company will have 55 thousand employees in the UK, making it one of the few employers who have increased jobs during the new crown pneumonia outbreak.
said the new position was equivalent to Amazon's new position in the UK last year, mainly logistics and packaging. It is a reception center, but it also includes jobs such as fashion, digital marketing, engineering, video production, software development, cloud computing and artificial intelligence. < / P > < p > Amazon is being criticized for its way of treating employees, especially for front-line staff and express delivery personnel in warehouses during the epidemic. < / P > < p > according to the statistics of Bloomberg billionaire index, Bezos is the second richest man in the world Some people have a net worth of nearly $200 billion. (small)