Use wechat scan QR code < / P > < p > to share with friends and circle of friends < / P > < p > < / P > < p > February 25 news, local time Wednesday < a target = "_ blank" href=" "> Ford < / a > < a target ="_ blank" href=" "> Jim Farley, chief executive of auto < / a > said, < a target ="_ blank" href=" "> the U.S. < / a > must start producing batteries for the upcoming electric car boom to avoid a supply disruption similar to the shortage of car chips. < / P > < p > Farley attended the Wolfe research auto Conference on Wednesday. "We need to bring mass production of automotive batteries to the United States and we will discuss this with the government," he said "We can't go back to the shortage of car chips. It's so important. " < / P > < p > : Jim Farley, chief executive of Ford Motor Co., Ltd. < / P > < p > < p > Moody's, a market research firm, estimates that the global shortage of chips is causing many factories to shut down, which could reduce Ford's and GM's EBIT by a third this year. Many of the chips used in cars and consumer electronics around the world come from TSMC, which has been unable to meet the unexpectedly strong demand. < / P > < p > Ford is about to launch F-150 electric < a target = "_ blank" href=" "> pickup < / a >, SK innovation, the battery supplier of this model, recently lost an intellectual property lawsuit with LG Chemical. The U.S. International Trade Commission banned SK innovation's finished batteries from entering the U.S. market within 10 years, but allowed SK innovation to export battery modules to the U.S. in the next four years. In this way, the F-150 electric pickup, which will be launched in 2022, can still use the battery modules produced by SK innovation. < / P > < p > Farley called on SK innovation and LG Chemical to reach a settlement through negotiation. But he also believes that the United States needs to mass produce its own batteries to solve the supply and labor problems and avoid the electric vehicle industry boom in the next 10 years. Ford said it will invest $22 billion in pure electric vehicles by 2025. < / P > < p > Farley said: This is a huge opportunity with multiple solutions. "For traditional players, we have to solve the labor problem, so it's more important for us to make more batteries ourselves." < / P > < p > Farley also said that the company is unremittingly eradicating the low efficiency problems in automobile operation. He said Ford could reduce maintenance costs by $1 billion to $2 billion a year. < / P > < p > "we are not competitive in cost," Farley said. "Improving the warranty is an important opportunity." < / P > < p > FA Li was promoted to CEO of the company on October 1 last year. He believes that promoting services to car users and providing the company's Internet car data is a growth opportunity. It's already a $4 billion market, he said. < / P > < p > "it could be bigger," Farley said. "And now we're just starting." (Chenchen) < / P > < p >