Annual general meeting of shareholders, cook: Apple acquired nearly 100 companies in the past six years

Use wechat to scan the QR code < / P > < p > to share with friends and circle of friends < / P > < p > < / P > < p > on February 24, apple held an online shareholders' meeting on Tuesday, local time_ blank" href=" "> Tim Cook < / a > (Tim Cook) answered questions about mergers and acquisitions, the impact of the epidemic and the company's supply chain. Mr Cook said Apple has acquired nearly 100 companies in the past six years. He also mentioned that apple is trying to limit the ad positioning function on the device. < / P > < p > cook summarized many of Apple's new products and plans in the past year. He talked about the latest iPhone and the apple watch, which is expected to continue to grow, and said the airpods Max headset was quickly "very popular" with users. Cook also discussed Apple's efforts to address the epidemic, climate change and housing problems in the San Francisco Bay area. In the Q & a session, Cook said that apple is steadily achieving its environmental goals, including achieving carbon neutrality by 2030 and using recycled materials for all products. He also reiterated Apple's recent privacy policy changes, stressing that an upcoming plan would limit the ad targeting capabilities on Apple devices. < / P > < p > Cook said Apple has acquired nearly 100 small companies in the past six years, with an average of one deal every three to four weeks. Asked about pay equality between men and women, Cook said Apple pays men and women the same level of pay globally. In addition, in order to ensure the fairness of salary, Apple has no longer asked job seekers about their previous salary level. < / P > < p > cook was also asked about supply chain diversification. Apple has been looking to improve and change its business, he said, without mentioning any changes in the supply chain. < / P > < p > cook also responded to the current regulatory review of Apple's app store, insisting that there is no monopoly problem with the service. "Apple doesn't have a dominant position in any market we compete in, in any product category, service category, software or application area," cook stressed. "This competitive market has made us all better. Although the review is always fair, the accusation is untenable after a reasonable review of the facts. " < / P > < p > as he has done in the past, cook also suggests that he eventually wants employees to return to the office to improve collaboration efficiency. However, Cook said the company's employees have been very efficient in telecommuting in the past year. < / P > < p > in view of the continuing impact of the epidemic, apple held its annual general meeting online. Kate Adams, the company's general counsel, oversees shareholder voting. All of Apple's board members were re elected, and the audit firm Ernst & Young was approved. (Chenchen) < / P > < p >

2023-03-22 10:04:28



