Chip manufacturer: the shortage of chips is caused by the auto manufacturers themselves, and they have returned them

Use wechat scan QR code < / P > < p > to share with friends and circle of friends < / P > < p > < / P > < p > February 18 news, < a target = "_ blank" href=" "> chip < / a > manufacturer < a target ="_ blank" href=" "> ADI < / a > CEO Vincent Roche said in an interview on Wednesday local time that the current global < a target ="_ blank" href=" "> auto < / a > manufacturers are facing the problem of chip shortage, but many manufacturers are asking for trouble. < / P > < p > Roach said in an interview on Wednesday: "we are trying to meet the needs of customers in the automotive industry, but please remember that the problem lies with them." "Not long ago, they asked me to return the goods and cancel the backlog." < / P > < p > major automobile manufacturers such as Ford and General Motors complain that the shortage of chips has affected their ability to expand production capacity and meet market demand, and the supply chain of key chips has become the focus of the industry. Despite the overall tight supply, ADI is still trying to follow up orders and the chip industry is likely to see record growth this year, Roach said. < / P > < p > ADI is headquartered in Norwood, Massachusetts. Its sales have increased in the past two quarters, and its revenue is expected to continue to increase this quarter, which indicates that the company can also obtain sufficient chip supply from external manufacturers. ADI adopts two modes: self manufacturing and outsourcing. < / P > < p > Roach said that the whole process of manufacturing, packaging and testing a chip takes up to 15 weeks. This does not match the way in which automobile manufacturers manage the supply chain, which usually has only a small amount of inventory and expects suppliers to meet their orders in time. < / P > < p > roach also said ADI benefited from strong demand from industrial customers who generally wanted to modernize their plants and improve their automation. In general, when automakers cut orders, chip capacity shifts to other areas such as games, consumer electronics, data centers and healthcare. ADI is paying close attention to the signs that its customer base is increasing inventory, but roach is not worried because ADI believes that the current chip shipment just reflects the sales of corresponding equipment. < / P > < p > he said: "there is no interruption in the supply chain, it's just that some places are not handled properly." (Chenchen) < / P > < p >

2023-03-22 10:04:28



