Share with friends and circle of friends with wechat scan QR code < / P > < p > < / P > < p > on February 18, apple became a new class action target, accused of hosting gambling related apps through app stores and making profits from them, especially social network < A target = "_ blank" href=" "> games < / a > a game launched by Zynga, a developer. < / P > < p > this lawsuit is < a target = "_ blank" href=" "> the plaintiff < / a > filed a lawsuit with the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Columbia. In the lawsuit, the plaintiff specifically mentioned Zynga's gambling games, claiming that they violated a number of multi state laws related to gambling. Apple is responsible for this process because it provides IOS development tools, hosts these games in the app store, and profits from sales. < / P > < p > as the sole manager of the app store, Apple has been accused of "allowing and facilitating illegal gambling by operating casinos without a license" and allowing users to buy "coins" or "chips" for Las Vegas casino style games such as blackjack, roulette, poker, Gino, bingo and other card and gambling games. < / P > < p > most of the Games mentioned in the lawsuit provide a limited number of chips, but once the chips are used up, users have to buy additional virtual funds. According to the indictment, consumers will eventually run out of coins or chips and "will be prompted to use real money to buy additional coins or chips to get the opportunity to continue playing the game.". < / P > < p > according to the plaintiff, users are unable to withdraw actual cash from gambling games, but they do have the ability to win money and therefore get more game time. This mechanism of "paying for more game time" is said to violate the anti gambling laws of the 25 states involved in the case. < / P > < p > the reasons for the plaintiff's action include violation of the regulations on civil remedies for recovering gambling losses and unjust enrichment. The plaintiff sought injunctions, damages and costs. < / P > < p > the lawsuit is almost the same as the one filed in October last year, which accused gambling apps of violating multi state laws, prompting users to pay real money for more game time. The latest complaint was filed in January, questioning the addictive nature of gambling games. (small) < / P > < p >