Use wechat scan QR code to share with friends and circle of friends_ blank" href=" "> NXP < / a >, Infineon and other local < a target ="_ blank" href=" "> chip < / a > < a target ="_ blank" href=" "> factory shutdown, which may further aggravate the global chip supply crisis. < / P > < p > according to Austin < a target = "_ blank" href=" "> the statesman of the United States reported on February 16 local time that Samsung Electronics and NXP < a target ="_ blank" href=" "> semiconductor < / a > and Infineon and other semiconductor manufacturers' chip factories in Austin, Texas, have temporarily stopped production at the request of Austin energy. < p > < p > according to Yonhap on February 17, the power supply of Samsung's factory in Austin was interrupted in the early morning of that day, and the factory was in a state of shutdown. < / P > < p > Michele glaze, a spokesman for Samsung Electronics, said that with prior notice, Samsung took appropriate safety measures for the facilities and chips in production. This also means that Samsung Austin's factory has not suffered unexpected losses due to power failure. < / P > < p > Samsung Electronics said that once the power supply is restored, production will be resumed immediately, but it does not know when normal power supply will be restored. According to the data, Samsung's first factory in Austin was built in 1996, mainly producing DRAM memory chips and NAND flash chips. In 2007, a second factory (expanded in 2017) was added to engage in chip OEM business. < / P > < p > at present, the main process technologies of logic chips in Samsung Austin factory are 14nm, 28nm and 32nm, accounting for about 28% of the total capacity of Samsung logic chips. < p > < p > NXP semiconductor has two 8-inch plants in Oster, Texas, which mainly produce microcontrollers (MCU) and microprocessors (MPU), power management devices, RF transceivers and amplifiers, and various sensors. Cypress, which Infineon acquired last year, also has an 8-inch plant in Austin, mainly producing 130nm chips. A total of 48 states in the United States were affected by the cold wave, accounting for 73% of the total land area, and at least 15 people were killed, CNN reported Sunday, citing information released by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). According to foreign media reports, extreme cold weather caused 5.5 million households in 18 states, including Texas, Oregon, Kentucky and West Virginia, to lose power, among which Texas was the most serious. < / P > < p > under the influence of snowstorms and severe cold weather, South West Power Pool (SPP), which is mainly responsible for the power supply of many Midwest states, announced that from February 15, local time, 14 states in the United States from North Dakota to Oklahoma will be blackout in turn to ensure the continuity and reliability of the regional power grid. < / P > < p > semiconductor production line must have a continuous and stable power supply. Sudden power failure due to earthquake, snowstorm and so on will usually cause huge losses to the production line. Without a stable power supply, semiconductor factories dare not rush to restart production. This means that the production of semiconductor enterprises in the 14 states and regions of the United States, which take turns in power rationing, may also face a shutdown crisis, and it is estimated that it will be difficult for semiconductor factories to resume production in the short term.