在下面的示例中,首先我成功地用自己的span替换了“我自己的” '<span id="sMyOwn">my own</span>'
。接下来,我想一次用一个简单的跨度全部替换其余单词(即“ This”,“ is”和“ example”)。为此,我使用函数fReplace,以便根据后面的@Abhilash注释有条件地执行此操作,但失败。我应用的第二个解决方案是一个简单的循环解决方案,但它也失败了。有人可以帮我吗。最后一行只是介绍结果。
<div id='MyOwnExample'>This is my own example</div><div id='AA'></div><script>// 1st part: It works v1 = document.getElementById('MyOwnExample').innerHTML; const regex = new RegExp('my own', 'gi') v1 = v1.replace(regex,`<span id = 'sMyOwn'>my own</span>`)// 2nd part: First solution that fails function fReplace(word, index) { const regex = new RegExp(word, 'gi') if (span.className != 'sMyOwn') { v1 = v1.replace(regex,`<span>${word}</span> `) } } v1.forEach(fReplace);// 2nd part: Second solution that fails too const regex2 = new RegExp(word, 'gi')for (word of v1) { if (span.className != 'sMyOwn') { v1 = v1.replace(regex2,`<span>${word}</span> `) }}// 4th part: Results document.getElementById('MyOwnExample').innerHTML = v1; document.getElementById('AA').innerText = document.getElementById('MyOwnExample').innerHTML;</script>
<div id='MyOwnExample'>This is my own example</div> <div id='AA'></div> <script> /**First wrap the special phrase with a span as you wantNow take out the special phrase and split the remaining text into array while you use '_' as the special phrase placeholder for later replacement.Replace each wrap each word with span as you want itPut them back while replacing the '_' placeholder with the wrapped special phrase **/ const transformer = (word,specialPhrase)=>{ const wrapSpecialPhrase = `<span id="sMyOwn"> ${specialPhrase}</span>`; const stripoffSpecialPhrase = (word.split(specialPhrase)).join("_").split(" "); const formed = stripoffSpecialPhrase.map(wd=> wd !=='_' ?`<span id='${wd}'> ${wd} </span>` : wd); return formed.join(" ").replace('_',wrapSpecialPhrase); } const aaElement = document.getElementById('AA'); const myOWnExampleElement =document.getElementById('MyOwnExample') constphrase =myOWnExampleElement.innerText; const transformed = transformer(phrase,"my own"); aaElement.innerText= transformed; // This when you want it in plain text /* aaElement.innerHTML= transformed; // This when you want it in html */ </script>
const v1 = document.getElementById('MyOwnExample').innerText; const arr = v1.split(' '); for(let i=0; i < arr.length; i++) { let str = arr[i]; arr[i] = arr[i].replace(new RegExp(str, 'gi'),`<span id='id_${str}'>${str}</span>`); } console.log(arr); document.getElementById('MyOwnExample').innerHTML = arr.join(' '); document.getElementById('AA').innerText = document.getElementById('MyOwnExample').innerHTML;
#MyOwnExample span { background-color: #dedede; display: inline-block; margin: 2px; }
<div id='MyOwnExample'>This is my own example</div> <div id='AA'></div>
const text = "This is my own example";const yourHTML = text.split(/( |my own)/g) .filter(v => v.trim()) .map(v => "<span"+ (v == "my own" ? " id='sMyOwn'" : "") + ">" + v + "</span>") .join("")console.log(yourHTML)
<span>This</span><span>is</span><span>my own</span><span>example</span>