Use wechat to scan QR code < / P > < p > to share with friends and circle of friends < / P > < p > recently, Guangzhou < a target = "_ blank" href=" "> Xiaopeng automobile < / a > Technology Co., Ltd. has been entrusted to file the recall plan with the State Administration of market supervision and administration in accordance with the requirements of the regulations on the recall management of defective automobile products and the measures for the implementation of the regulations on the recall management of defective automobile products, and has decided to recall the recall plan in March 2019 from January 30, 2021 A total of 13399 Xiaopeng G3 vehicles were produced from September 29 to September 27, 2020. < o: P style = "color: rgb (51, 51, 51); font family: Tahoma; font size: 12pt; padding: 0px; margin: 0px Auto;" > & nbsp; < / O > < / P > < p > < / P > < P > vehicles within the scope of this recall, < a target = "_ blank" href=" "> inverter < / a > DC < a target ="_ blank" href=" "> tin whiskers on the tinned terminals connecting copper bar screws on the bus < / a > capacitor may cause high voltage < a target ="_ blank" href=" "> DC < / a > short circuit between the positive and negative poles, resulting in no high voltage power supply to the inverter. When this happens, if the vehicle is in the state of parking, it may not be able to start again; if the vehicle is in the state of driving, it may cause the vehicle to lose power, and there are potential safety hazards. Guangzhou Xiaopeng Automotive Technology Co., Ltd. will replace the improved inverter for the vehicles within the scope of recall free of charge to eliminate potential safety hazards. < o: P style = "padding: 0px; margin: 0px Auto;" > < / O > < / P > < p > Guangzhou Xiaopeng Automotive Technology Co., Ltd. will inform users of the recall in the form of registered mail, APP push information, telephone notice, etc. Users can call Xiaopeng auto service hotline 400-819-3388 for consultation. In addition, you can also visit the website .cn、 Pay attention to WeChat official account (SAMRDPAC), learn more information, reflect defect clues.