Digital China: as of 11, acquisition glory has not reached any agreement

Use wechat to scan QR code < / P > < p > to share with friends and circle of friends < / P > < p > today < a target = "_ blank" href=" "> Digital China < / a > said that as of the disclosure date of this announcement (November 11), digital China and Huawei had not reached any agreement on the sale of glory. < p > < p > a media report said yesterday that "Huawei plans to sell the glory brand to Digital China with 100 billion yuan.". The main content is that Huawei plans to package and sell the glory mobile phone business as a whole, and digital China will participate as one of the purchasers. < p > < p > < p > < p > < / P > < p > < b > the following is the original announcement: < / b > < / P > < p > Digital China Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "the company" and "Digital China") paid attention to the related reports on November 10, 2020, such as "Huawei plans to sell glory brand to Digital China with 100 billion yuan", and the main content is that Huawei plans to sell glory brand to Digital China As one of the acquisition parties, digital China will package its mobile phone business. < / P > < p > after verification, the company's explanation for the above reported matters is as follows: as of the disclosure date of this announcement, digital China and Huawei have not reached any agreement on the sale of glory. < / P > < p > as of the disclosure date of this announcement, the company has no items that should be disclosed but not disclosed in accordance with the relevant laws, regulations and normative documents such as the Listing Rules of Shenzhen Stock Exchange. < / P > < p > the company solemnly reminds investors that the information disclosure media designated by the company are securities times, Shanghai Securities News and CNKI( )All information of the company shall be subject to the announcement published in the above information disclosure media. Please invest rationally and pay attention to investment risks. < p > < p > is hereby announced. < p > < p > the board of directors of Digital China Group Co., Ltd. < / P > < p > November 11, 2002 < / P > < p > < p > shared with friends and circle of friends by scanning QR code via wechat

2023-03-22 10:04:22



